The Lean Dairy Farm book launched – helping farmers to be better, smarter, and more productive

Lean is revolutionising farming globally with its proven solution for reducing waste, improving productivity and sustaining profits. The Lean Dairy Farm author and Lean consultant Jana Hocken explains why this approach is essential to every farm. She uses her own family’s farm as a case study, and introduces practical tools that every farmer can apply on their farm. The Lean Dairy Farm shows how to create a lean farm culture.

Jana says: “Farm processes are full of waste – in fact often 95% of farm processes don’t add any value to the customer, product or farm business.” Farmers are spending a significant amount of time on this waste. This adds unnecessary cost and work to their farms.

Lean will help all farmers to see and eliminate this waste. This will improve their productivity, make things easier, reduce costs, improve safety, animal welfare, sustainability and employee engagement. Even if Lean is entirely new to the reader, this book offers a simple blueprint for applying its principles and practices to improve every farm.

Jana states: “Whether you are a Dairy Farmer, Sheep and Beef farmer or Grower, lean is relevant to your business. If you want a more efficient, profitable and robust farm, The Lean Dairy Farm is for you.” It is available globally online through all major booksellers including Amazon and Book Depository. It is also available in major bookstores across Australia and New Zealand. Visit for more information.

People who have read the book say:

‘One of the most valuable books I’ve read. As a farmer, Lean has helped me to combat my two biggest challenges: Time and Cost.’ —Andrew Meuli, farmer

‘For those farmers who value their team, respect their cows and are focused on leading a sustainable farming business, adopting a Lean way of thinking will be a breakthrough. Reading The Lean Dairy Farm may be your best investment ever.’ —Juliet Maclean, farmer and co-founder, OnSide and Synlait

JANA HOCKEN is a lean expert with 20 years of experience behind her in Toyota and consulting supporting hundreds of companies globally. She brings a refreshingly new approach to farming based on lean thinking. Jana has introduced lean to her own family’s farm and trained over 150 farmers (including dairy, sheep and beef and cropping) across New Zealand and Australia. Now she wants to share lean farming with farmers globally.

MAT HOCKEN is a 4th generation farmer and 2017 Nuffield scholar. As well as embracing Lean on the farm, Mat aims to inspire farmer-led innovation, through projects such as The Rural Innovation Lab.



Media Contact Details

Jana Hocken, LeanFarm
Feilding, New Zealand