Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Best Oral Care Advice From Dentists (Which You Should Take Right Away)

The Best Oral Care Advice From Dentists (Which You Should Take Right Away)

Wondering how to keep your mouth healthy? If you have a good oral care routine, you can avoid common issues like periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, and a number of other oral hygiene issues. So, how can you take your oral care routine to the next level? By following these dentist in Winnipeg-approved tips, of course! Read on, and see how you can protect your pearly whites!

1. Fluoride Is Your Friend – Avoid “Natural” Toothpaste (Especially Charcoal)

Fluoride is a natural, organic chemical. It’s been used to treat teeth and help them remineralize and grow stronger for decades. And, despite what some fear-mongering bloggers may want you do believe, it’s completely safe.

Fluoride is an absolutely essential component of a good oral care routine. For this reason, you should avoid “natural” toothpastes that do not contain fluoride. They simply will not be effective at protecting your teeth.

Additionally, never use charcoal toothpaste. Recently, this toothpaste has become quite trendy, due to claims that it can whiten and polish your teeth. This is not true. In fact, charcoal toothpaste is a harsh abrasive. Using it will weaken your teeth and enamel, making you more susceptible to future oral health issues.

2. Kick Your Soda Habit (Or At Least Reduce Consumption)

Soda is packed with sugar, which combines with bacteria in your mouth to create acid, which attacks your teeth. Not only that, drinking too much soda can cause obesity, diabetes, and more.

You don’t have to stop drinking soda altogether. However, you should cut your intake back to a single serving per day, and drink it more quickly, rather than sipping it. Prolonged sipping means that sugar levels in the mouth are elevated for a longer time, leading to a higher risk of tooth decay. You may also consider switching to a diet soda with a lower sugar content.

3. Brush Or Rinse After Drinking Coffee, Tea, Or Wine

Coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth. The best way to avoid this is to rinse your mouth, or brush shortly after consuming these drinks. And, like soda, it’s best to drink them quickly, rather than sipping them slowly for an hour or more. This will help prevent tooth stains from forming.

4. Brush More (Not Less) If Your Gums Are Bleeding

Bleeding gums indicate that you have gingivitis, the most minor form of gum disease. If your gums bleed, this indicates you need to brush and floss more. Be gentle when brushing, and make sure to brush your gums and teeth thoroughly, for at least 2 minutes.

5. Floss At Least Once Per Day

If you don’t floss, your risk of tooth decay and gingivitis is much higher. Even electric toothbrushes cannot remove food particles and debris from between your teeth. Because of this, flossing once per day is absolutely essential for your oral health.

6. If You Have A Retainer, Wear It!

If you don’t wear your retainer, your teeth will start to shift back to their original position, potentially ruining orthodontic and cosmetic dental work. Wear your retainer regularly and as instructed by your dentist to avoid this.

7. Change Your Toothbrush More Often

You should change your toothbrush or brush head about every 3-4 months. The older a brush is, the more likely the bristles are to be softer and worn-out, and less effective at removing plaque, bacteria and food particles.

8. Stop Snacking Before Bed (Or Brush Your Teeth Afterward)

If you brush, then you eat and go to bed without brushing again, the food debris and particles in your mouth will provide plenty of fuel for oral bacteria, which increases your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. So, ifyou brush your teeth and then have a “midnight snack” you will have to brush your teeth again.

Follow These Tips, And Keep Your Smile Healthy And Bright!

If you’re interested in keeping your teeth healthy, white, and free of common oral health conditions, these 8 tips are sure to help! Implement them today in your oral care routine, and preserve your smile!