Tips to Control and Reduce Stress When You Quit Smoking

Tips to Control and Reduce Stress When You Quit Smoking

One of the main reason’s smokers struggle to quit, is because they feel it’s helping them to deal with stress. It’s logical to think this as when you don’t have a cigarette for a while, the mind starts to become irritable and anxious. Then, when you have a cigarette, the stress and anxiety automatically go away. However, did you know smoking could actually be causing the stress and anxiety, not eliminating it?

Stopping smoking can greatly reduce stress and help to lift the mood. However, getting over the feeling that you need to smoke when stress occurs can be extremely difficult. To help, here you’ll discover some great tips to control and reduce stress when you quit smoking.

Keep on top of the withdrawals

There’s no getting away from the fact that the withdrawals of quitting smoking can be intense and very difficult to manage. Depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia are just some of the withdrawal symptoms you can expect to go through. This in turn can increase your overall stress levels, causing you to want to light up again just to make it stop.

So, getting on top of the withdrawal symptoms can be a great way to reduce the stress and make it a little easier to deal with. There are lots of ways you can do this, from nicotine patches to vaping. E-cigarettes do tend to be a popular option due to the fact they mimic smoking and deliver low levels of nicotine as and when it’s needed. Vaping kits from stores like VIP are also affordable and can help you save money in the long run. One thing to keep in mind when vaping is the temperature of your device. Whether you are using nicotine, cannabis, or CBD tinctures make sure to use the set the correct temperature. For example, Zamnesia explains that the perfect temperatures for cannabis are between 180 – 210 °C.


One of the best ways to reduce stress and handle withdrawal symptoms, is to exercise. In fact, many smokers who quit tend to turn to exercise to help distract the mind and combat stress. Even just a 15-minute walk can prove invaluable at lowering stress and helping you to feel great.

So, when you start to feel stressed out, get up and do some form of exercise. It doesn’t really matter what, it just matters that you get moving.

Go easy on yourself

You’re going to struggle when you quit smoking. This is a given. So, you need to learn to go easy on yourself while you’re going through the withdrawals. Getting frustrated and angry because you can’t just get smoking out of your mind, or function how you usually would, is only going to increase your stress levels. So, learn to relax and take it easy. Allow yourself to have bad days where you barely do anything. The withdrawals will pass, and you’ll soon be feeling better than ever before.

The above is some of the best ways to reduce stress when quitting smoking. It’s important to remember that as hard as it is to quit smoking, the health benefits far outweigh the struggle. With each passing day, the withdrawals will start to lessen. So, stay strong and follow the tips above to combat stress as you quit.