Capability Jane promotes flexible working by launching new website

mockup - laptop - homepage(1)This summer, after 10 years in the recruitment industry, Capability Jane Recruitment launched a new website Capability Jane specialises in recruiting for senior roles that offer flexible working. The new site aims to encourage Employers to offer flexible working when recruiting for senior roles and access the huge number of quality Candidates looking for this flexibility.

Caroline Doherty, Commerical Director says
“Flexible working can be offered in a variety of ways: a shorter working week, remote working and flexible daily hours are just a few of the options. We want Employers to be open to these ideas that can make all the difference to an Employees quality of life. We have over 20,000 high calibre and experienced candidates registered with us and looking for flexible roles.”

The demand for flexible working in the UK has grown exponentially in recent years, across all age groups with 2017 research by PowWowNow showing 67% of employees want flexibility. There are many reasons for this including demographic changes such as dual working families, the ageing population and the rise in the awareness of the impact of work-life balance on physical and mental health. However, the supply of these roles is extremely low with only 9.8% of roles advertised offering flexibility.

The new Capability Jane website clearly sets out to address this problem by attracting and informing Employers about their amazing talent pool, as well as providing resources and support for Candidates.

Caroline goes on to to say
“Launching the new website and surrounding marketing campaign was a real milestone for us. We want the site to really help the increasing numbers of Candidates looking for flexible working roles to find the perfect solution. We also want to help Employers to realise what huge benefits flexible working can bring to their company, such as increased productivity and commitment from employees.”