Thursday, February 13, 2025

Researchers have found the recipe for leading a long and healthy existence

Researchers have found the recipe for leading a long and healthy existence

The recipe for leading a long and healthy existence is maintaining a young mindset, being immature from time to time and regularly enjoying a touch of nostalgia, according to a study.

Researchers who polled 2,000 adults found almost three quarters of Brits believe forgetting you are an adult from time to time is important.

One in four of those revealed they wanted to stay ‘child-like’ as long as possible.

The study commissioned by Healthspan to launch their new range of Multivitality Gummies for men and women found that feeling nostalgic and identifying with those things from our childhood makes us happy.

Dr Meg Arroll, a psychologist on behalf of Healthspan, said: “Perceiving ourselves as younger than our age is linked to a more future-orientated outlook, which means that we make better health choices such as engaging in exercise and healthy eating.”

The study also found men are still embracing their inner child well into their twenties by playing video games and enjoying practical jokes.

And it seems men’ don’t ‘mature’ fully until the age of 29.

But women aren’t far behind – only acting like a fully-grown adult once they reach the age of 27.

The research revealed over half of Brits hankered after their childhood and 19 to 25 years of age was identified as the ‘carefree’ years of youth.

Watching kid’s films and old TV shows, pulling silly faces behind other people’s backs, and mimicking what other people say are just some of the ways people behave child-like.

Other signs of not becoming a fully-fledged adult include blowing bubbles through a straw, driving with the music turned up loud and daydreaming all the time.

Over half of those revealed that they feel nostalgic for their childhood.

One in four of those surveyed said that one of the things they love most about being a parent is that is gives them an excuse to be a big child again and play with toys.

Dr Meg Arroll said: “The findings of this survey support previous research that has shown nostalgia boosts our mood.

”Which may be why the majority of survey respondents stated that Christmas was their favourite time of year as this is a time when adults shake off their daily worries and jump into playing games, spending time with loved ones and reconnecting with their inner child.”

Monopoly, playing cards and Lego were the games that most helped us connected with our childhood in a positive way.

Watching old movies, listening to songs from our childhood, old TV programmes, playing board games, eating old fashioned sweats and pouring over old holiday photos were some of the things Brits do to recapture those memories.

Dr Meg Arroll added: “The research shows that nostalgia can buffer against depression, boost social connectedness, so doing things/activities from childhood can be important in maintaining health, specifically with regard to social connectedness as isolation is so damaging to health, e.g. as bad as smoking.”

The study carried out via, found unanimously that being a ‘Kidult’ is good for your health from thinking yourself younger, to indulging in some nostalgia and getting in touch with your inner child or doing something child-like will make you feel happy.

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