Brits found to use their gut instinct rather than logic when making big decisions
It’s official – trusting your gut instinct is the way forward.
A poll of 2,000 Brits has revealed that instinct is the best judge when it comes to making big decisions such as buying a house or taking a job.
One in three Brits have passed on logic and advice and trusted their gut feelings on important life choices.
The survey also found that more than six in ten Brits believe their gut instinct usually leads them to a correct decision.
And on average, the nation has had to trust their inner decision-maker four times per year – with three of those choices turning out to be the correct ones.
Nearly every Brit polled believe there is such a thing as gut instinct – with 93 per cent admitting it exists.
The study into trusting your guts was conducted by online casino, whose spokesman said: “It’s amazing how many Brits believe in gut instinct, and the perception that going with your gut usually leads to correct decisions.
“Our poll found that Brits are usually confident in going with their guts, and many people will go with their initial instinct despite advice otherwise.
“Almost all of us have, at one point or another, trusted our gut when it comes to a decision – whether it was a big one or a small one.”
The most common areas for Brits to trust their gut are in relationships, at work and deciding on whether to become friends with someone.
Some respondents found trusting their instincts paid off in other ways – with one commenting that he booked a once-in-a-lifetime trip for he and his unwell wife to the USA, which proved to be their last trip together before she became too ill to travel.
And another interviewed a candidate that on paper appeared to have all the right attributes for a job – but the employer’s gut instinct said to pass. That candidate then went to work for a rival company, and turned out to be a nightmare.
Many suggested their gut instincts had paid off when making a bet, with one coming up trumps with a 250 to 1 winner in a horse race.
One in five Brits has had their gut instinct proved right by following their internal reactions despite advice telling them to do the opposite – although a tenth say this didn’t turn out well for them.
Half of the population believe people who have a habit of listening to their gut instinct are typically happier than those that don’t.
And when we have a really big decision to make, gut instinct is the second most important factor to help us decide – after seeking advice from partners.
It usually takes a week’s deliberating over a big decision like buying a house, a car or taking a new job, with smaller decisions like buying clothes reached in under two days.’s spokesman said: “Gut instinct is such a difficult thing to define. It’s just something within you that feels right or wrong.
“Some respondents described it as feeling like a compelling force, guiding the right direction – most usually coming from the pit of the stomach.
“And although gut instinct doesn’t always steer us in the right direction, the overwhelming majority of Brits think that their gut is trustworthy enough to follow, most of the time.
“Gut instinct can be an important part of reaching a decision – but make sure that you take on board advice from friends and loved ones as well.”