Thursday, February 13, 2025

3 in 10 People Feel “Most Glum” at 7am

3 in 10 People Feel “Most Glum” at 7am

Think about the last time you felt down. If it was at 7am this morning, you’ll be part of the 3 in 10 people that admit that this time is when they feel the “most glum”.

In a survey conducted by Inter Parcel, 62% of people said that waking up on a sunny day makes their day, meaning that it really is the simple pleasures in life that determine a good day from a bad one!

The happiest hour in the day was found to be at 2.30pm, with the typical adult having an average of three ‘good days’ per week.

Small experiences like getting an unexpected parcel in the post featured as a factor that can make you have a good day with 56% of people admitting, along with fresh bed sheets (56%) and having no traffic on the drive to work (22%).

As far as food goes, 29% of people in the survey said that simply eating chocolate could make their day, followed by 28% voting for a glass of wine in the evening and 7% achieving the perfect boiled egg.

27% of those surveyed saying that winning on a scratch card is the token of a good day, along with 28% saying a tax rebate.

Finding money in an old coat was also shown to perk-up a miserable day.

On the other hand, the biggest day-ruiners were voted to be arguing with a partner (46%), spilling food down a clean shirt (22%) and missing a parcel or delivery (24%); proving that it’s not just a rainy day that can ruin your mood!

Despite the reputation us Brits have for being a grumpy lot, 70% of people in the survey considered themselves to have a ‘glass half-full’ attitude.

View the full statistics in the infographic below:


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